boo euroCRIS MM 2025 Leuven


Two years after a successful Spring 2023 membership meeting was held in Brussels, euroCRIS is pleased to announce its return to Belgium for the Spring 2025 Membership Meeting (MM2025). The event will be held at the Provinciehuis Vlaams-Brabant.

The meeting, hosted by the Department of Work, Economy, Science, Innovation and Social Economy of the Flemish Government, will take place from Tue May 13 to Thu May 15, 2025. As usual at euroCRIS meetings, the CERIF Tutorial and the Welcome Reception will be held on Tuesday afternoon, to be followed by (among others) a National Session on Day I (Wed May 14) and a number of contributions from euroCRIS members on Day II (Thu May 15).

This MM2025 will also see a session organised by the AI4CRIS working group. This session devoted to Artificial Intelligence in the area of Research Information Management will include specific presentations and an update on the work of the euroCRIS-led group.



The schedule for the euroCRIS #MM2025 is tentative and may change in the coming weeks.

Preliminary MM 2025 Leuven programme


Plenary event venue: Provincieraadzaal, Provinciehuis Leuven, Provincieplein 1, 3010 Leuven


General schedule (All times CET)


Pre-event day: Tue 13 May


10:00-15:00 euroCRIS Board meeting (venue: Provinciehuis - Room 6)
16:00-17:00 CERIF Tutorial (venue: Provinciehuis - Room TBC)
18:00-20:00 Official Reception (venue: City centre Leuven - TBC)

All coffee breaks and lunches during the event will be held at the Provinciehuis Foyer


Day I: Wed 14 May (Venue: Provincieraadzaal)


09:00 Official opening

09:10-09:45 Keynote (TBC)

09:45-13:00 National session
Session chair: Ils de Bal, EWI & euroCRIS Board Member

09:45-10:15 "The role of EOSC and trustworthy repositories in ensuring data sovereignty, inclusivity, trust and transparency
in FAIR access to research outputs" (Roxanne Wyns, KU Leuven & EOSC Association Director)

10:15-10:40 Coffee break

10:40-11:05 "The Flemish Research Data Network: RIM-related initiatives of the first five years" (Michiel de Vydt, FWO)
11:05-11:25 Title TBC (Rudi Baccarne, University of Antwerp)
11:25-11:45 Title TBC (Robby Pauwels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Belgian PURE User Group lead
11:45-12:15 "CRIS developments at Hasselt University" (Hanne Poelmans, Sören Kuypers, U Hasselt)

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Dutch session
Session chair: Sophie Biesenbender, KFiD & euroCRIS Board Member

13:30-14:00 "An update from SURF: the Netherlands Research Portal, RAiD, other projects” (Eileen Waegemaekers,
Maurice Vanderfeesten, SURF)
14:00-14:30 "FRIDa: A Solution for the Post-CRIS Era?" (Nick Veenstra, Julie Kirwan, RU Groningen)
14:30-15:00 "FAIR-IMPACT: expanding FAIR solutions across Europe" (Ingrid Dillo, DANS & FAIR-IMPACT project coordinator)

15:00-15:20 Coffee break

15:20-16:20 Contributions from euroCRIS members (I)
Session chair: Michael Greil, University Vienna & euroCRIS Board Member

15:20-15:40 "An update from the Commission for Research Information in Germany-KFiD: the FIS Landkarte portal
and version 2 of the KDSF standard” (Sabrina Petersohn, DZHW, Germany)
15:40-16:00 "Metadata traceability and reuse in research projects" (Miguel Angel Sicilia, Alberto Ballesteros Rodríguez,
Biomedical Data Science and Engineering group, IRYCIS, Spain)
16:00-16:20 "The PID Monitor portal of the PID Network Germany project" (Andreas Czerniak, University of Bielefeld, Germany)

19:00-21:00 Official dinner (venue: Brasserie 't Oud Gasthuys)


Day II: 15 May (Venue: Provincieraadzaal)


09:00-10:30 AI4CRIS WG session: AI & CRIS systems

10:30-10:50 Coffee break

10:50-11:35 Business session

11:40-13:00 Contributions from euroCRIS members (II)

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-14:20 An update from the euroCRIS Board (Jan Dvořák, euroCRIS President)

14:20-16:00 CRISCROS WG Session



(available from Mar 28th, 2025)

For euroCRIS members, Strategic Partners and sponsors



All others

€ 60

  • (lunches and coffee breaks included)
  • register


    Accommodation and Booking (forthcoming)

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